Unanimous acquittal in Fraud and Perverting the Course of Justice trial

Unanimous acquittal in Fraud and Perverting the Course of Justice trial

Quentin represented Mr KK who stood trial at Blackfriars Crown Court accused of Fraud and Perverting the Course of Justice.

The prosecution case against KK was that he had defrauded Mr MJ by purportedly selling him a Range Rover and making off with the deposit without giving MJ the vehicle in return. It was also said that KK had offered MJ a bribe of £1,700 not to give evidence in the trial against him.

The evidence in the case was strong, MJ was able to produce a recording of a telephone call between himself and KK where the bribe was offered and was also able to produce a purchase receipt in respect of the vehicle. It was also said that KK dishonestly used some credit cards belonging to MJ that had been left in the vehicle.

The defence case was that MJ had agreed to hire the vehicle from KK and had damaged it during the hire period and forfeited his deposit; there was therefore no fraud. It was also said that the allegation of perverting the course of justice was merely an attempt by MJ to frame KK.

At trial Quentin was able to extensively cross-examine MJ as to the veracity of his account and in respect of inconsistencies in his evidence; MJ’s credibility as a witness was put in issue. Quentin was also able to call a number of defence witnesses who were able to further cast doubt upon MJ’s version of events.

The jury retired to consider their verdict and needed just over half an hour’s deliberation before returning unanimous Not Guilty verdicts on all counts.

Expert cross examination of prosecution witnesses is an essential part of the conduct of a jury trial. Quentin Hunt is an experienced jury advocate who specialises in effective cross examination of witnesses and the tactical deployment of defence evidence at trial. If you find yourself before the criminal courts for trial, you may contact Barrister Quentin Hunt for a free no obligation discussion about the conduct of your case.